Jerome Bally




🇨🇭 Switzerland

With us

3 years

Studio Name

Jerome Bally Photography

I came to photography as a hobby in the last 2 years. I never thought that portrait photography would capture me as much. My aim with my pictures is to awaken people's emotions for the beautiful in people.

Winning photos

It was the first time I met Tanja (@taannja) and we decided to shoot in a brewerie, more precisely on the loadingdocks. Sometimes you don't need a lot to have a nice shooting location.

65th Collection

We had a wonderful evening shooting with the beautyful Salomé (@mme_gingerella). and we wanted to catch her beauty with some flowers. Just behind the house we found this rose tree and we took the shot.

64th Collection

Stephanie (@st_walker91) and myself wanted to take some pictures in the alps, but unfortunately the weather was not good enough, so we decided to visit the castle Munot to take some photos with the dresses from Estelle Rochat.

64th Collection

The model Paulina (@linaexp) and myself decided to try a new studio in Aarau for some nice indoor photo story shots. As we saw this chair it was clear tu both of us that we would need to take some pictures. Paulina had (by chance) taken this nice dress that fittet perfectly to the scene. Sometimes you do not plan the best shots, they come by chance.

62nd Collection

This photo from Stephanie was taken in a forest near Zoug (CH) where we found an old rusty car which gave us the perfect set for this shoot. It was late in the afternoon on a sunny day and we enjoyed the sunset through the leaves.
Model: @st_walker91

61st Collection