Eighty-Third Collection

Foto - Bearbeitung: Me
Model: Conny Anne-Marie
Dress, Make-up: Conny Anne-Marie
Flügel: Me
ByP: Mysticmoments

„Denk an Deinen allersehnlichsten Wunsch, sieh in in Deinem inneren Auge und spür ihn in Deinem Herzen.“
(Die Schöne und das Biest)
Konzept: Me
Foto + Bearbeitung: Me
Hintergrund selbst kreiert

Model & Actress: Jessica Tataru @jessicatataru
Creative Director & Photographer: Alina Pinchuk @armoniaphotography
Makeup: @kate_iris_makeup
Hair: @olgakh_hair

This shot was taken after a whole session in color in a billiard center. At the end I thought, bah, let's do some classic black and white stuff as well...

Beautiful Cumlaude in the forest in the February sun. It seems like it is Summer instead of a cold Winter day. She is such a gorgeous model!

The most beautiful and feminine moment of women's life caught on camera.
Baby Pink backdrop for maternity photoshoot with your choice of flowers.
Our choice was the tulips which is represent the spring and easter time (for Example).

Dieses Bild von Stephie entstand Anfang Januar im Studio in Kooperation mit dem Visagisten Patrick Bucher. es handelt sich um ein One Light Studio Setting - simpel und smart - so sehe ich es zumindest.
Model: https://www.instagram.com/st_walker91/
Visagist: https://www.instagram.com/bucher1977/

This was one of my first workshop with the beautiful Daniela. I absolutely love the grid and the shadow. Thanks to the amazing Daniela.

Dire je t'aime avec une séance photos !
Organiser une séance photos en couple est plus qu'un plaisir, c'est un investissement pour votre histoire d’amour !
Une idée parfaite pour célébrer votre amour et immortaliser les moments magiques que vous partagez.

Inspired by Lord of the Rings and the elves, we headed to this waterfall to take these amazing pictures