Eightieth Collection

A beautiful portrait of a girl in autumn colors. The photo was taken during her parents' photo shoot.

My only light source in this picture was the light from the sun!
I work with this available light at will, aditionally the natural beauty of my models is very important for my portraits!
I really enjoyed the work.
Thank you Elena for your great effort!
You`re fantastic!
Model: @elenagaisch7
Many thanks to the team portraitphotoawards!

My personal favorite from the November shoot with Carla.
It is always a pleasure to work with her.
The picture was taken with natural light only.

This image the model and I have created in the late summer of 2022. It was around 7 a.m. at lake Lucerne. The conditions were excellent and made the work and the result amazing. The funny thing about the shooting was, out in the lake was paddling by a rowing boat from guys during there morning training, to looking at there eyes and mouth was price less.

Cardinal of Red Royal - It's been said, "When cardinals are here, angels are near". Most can agree that when they see the bright flash of red, or hear the sweet song of the cardinal, they feel more at peace. Happy Christmas. Abbi,9, USA

Dieses Bild von Stacie ist Teil einer kleinen Bildserie bei welcher ich verschiedene Lichtsettings getestet habe im Studio. Ich bin immer bemüht bei meinen freien Arbeiten im Studio,das passende Lichtsetup für das jeweilige Model zu kreieren.

Raconter votre histoire avec des photos remplies d’AMOUR et de liens pour un patrimoine familiale inestimable.
Artiste Photographe spécialisée dans le portrait ??? je vous accompagne et vous guide dans votre projet de famille parce qu’une photo nous permet de garder le lien avec nos enfants, nos parents

A dream shooting in Paris. We started early in the morning and it was more luck than planning to find this spot at exactly this time of the day. thanks to the beautyful model Stephanie

Velvet eclosion
Thanks to my model and friend Aurelia who initiated this underwater project. Such a cool experience to focus and shoot underwater! If you want to test it, do not forget the weights and the scuba ????

This is beautiful Olivia .
A beautiful model together with her bear
Model: Olivia
Photo & Lightroom edit: @daniquevdtphotography

Winter ❄️
Model: Zoé
Photographer & Lightroom edit: I am shooting portraits
Instagram: @iamshootingportraits

The imagination does a lot more work than the photo itself. Here everyone will see the facial expression of very human emotions: aggressiveness, calm, delight,... Nevertheless, this face is absolutely not that of a person: all the projections of emotions are not than fantasies.

Ce jour là, j’ai entraîné mon mari au studio pour qu’il joue au modèle.
Il ne le sait pas mais c’est un homme très photogénique que j’ai plaisir à photographier.
C’est un double plaisir d’être récompensé pour ce cliché car c’est la première fois que je reçois une récompense pour un portrait d’homme et cet homme n’est autre que mon époux ! Merveilleux !

For this portrait of my friend Raeann Dalton, I wanted to keep it very simple. She’s in medical school and going to be a doctor one day. She’s not a model or an actor who can play a character or work with the light, so keeping it simple and capturing her as her was key. For the lighting we used a single Westcott FJ400 with a translucent umbrella right above the camera and had her stand in front of a VFlat World V-Flat with the sides acting as negative fill. I used black to really get her lab coat to pop and shine through. It helped she was wearing a dark shirt underneath. For my camera and lens set up, I had my Canon R5 and my Canon EF 24mm-105mm f4 at 35mm. One of if not my favorite image of the year.

Wenn Ideen Flügel bekommen erwärmt es mir immer wieder mein Herz .Ich liebe es mit guten Freunden, Projekte umsetzen zu können.
I love my Passion Photographie
Model ist meine Liebe Caitling

The Last Dance
The play with light and shadow shows the deep emotions the dancer expresses with her performance.
Tanz ist der schönste Ausdruck seine Gefühle zu zeigen. Das letzte Bild und so Ausdrucksvoll und anmutig.