Sixty-Ninth Collection

Ein weiteres schönes Bild aus der Serie mit der wundervollen Ramona. Herzlichen Dank auch an Patrick Bucher @bucher1977 für das tolle Make Up an diesem Tag. Ohne dich wäre es nur halb so viel Spass

Nuestras fotógrafias con telas se han convertido en tendencia recientemente en nuestro país, estamos orgullosos y felices de poder servir de inspiración!!!

This was one of the shots from the Christmas shoot with our beautiful Siberian cat, she don't like to pose so this was one of the best photos

En nuestro estudio todas son reinas!
esta clienta nos pidió elegancia y simplicidad, con un esquema de luz y configuraciones básicas logramos este hermosa fotografía!

No hace falta salir de casa, nuestra modelo Esmeralda
posó maravillosamente para nuestro lente y logramos esta fabulosa fotografía,
En esta ocasión decidimos utilizar globos como elementos y poner atención especial a la paleta de colores así logrando combinar su vestimenta y pelo con los elementos!

¡Nos encantó lo colorido que se ven estas fotos!
Ese hermoso vestido rojo resaltando la belleza natural de nuestra modelo en contraste con el azul del cielo y el mar.

Photographer & Creative Director: Alina Pinchuk @armoniaphotography
Model: Rachel Noe @rachienoe
Hair and Makeup: Victoria Perciun @glammed_by_victoria

This photo was taken in the fall in the Netherlands and the colors were beautiful this day. If you take a photo at the right time, this is the result.

I just realised some of my favourite images are only available in Black & White. Now rectified!
Model Elene Shiukashvili is amazing, beautiful as ever, in this all-natural light shot
Dubai UAE.

I love working with owls! They are such beautiful animals!!! And Hue did a perfect job handling the animal and posing and looking gorgeous, all at the same time. Also a huge thank you to @celine.makeupartist who did the beautiful makeup and styling!

This photo of my model Lina (linaexp on IG) is the result of a great photo shooting day. I saw this sawmill with the stacks of wooden planks and spontaneously decided that this location we should use for the finish of the day.
One set we made there ist this one in between these wooden plank stacks where I shoot the model against the evening sun. I named the picture "Wooden Perspectives".
I used natural light only.

I met this wonderful young woman at a photo session organized by a fellow photographer.
After initial reluctance, she began to open up and great pictures with a lot of expression were created.
Many thanks Ibtissem and Pascal

Next picture from the shooting with Desirée from October last year.
The combination of lingerie and industry always works for me.

Un jour au bord d'un étang un petit ponton nous inspirer cette image de simplicité et de liberté, Charlotte et son amie de dos les pieds dans l'eau.

This is the 2nd award with Lina from our 2nd shooting. She won 17 in total with different photographers from Switzerland. Looks like she's a guarantee for an award.

Man reaches for the heavens, but his success remains to be seen.
Woman ad-"dresses" that challenge very differently.
Wrapping herself in lustrous sky-blue azure, she declares:
I am woman. Look no higher, look no further.
I am your heaven on earth.

This picture is one of several photos of my model. Thanks very much. I like it very much.
Another job that only uses natural light ...

My lovely youngest daughter Isabel during a photoshoot inside in only daylight. I tried to make her laugh and she gave me this shy but gorgeous smile.

"We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis." There is something magically graceful about butterflies that captivate us all. Model, Abbi, 8, U.S.A.