Maren Kindler




🇨🇭 Switzerland

Also serving:

Lucerne (Switzerland)


Senior Member

11 awards left until the Grand Member

11th place in Switzerland

With us

4 years

Studio Name

Maren Kindler Photography

I am a portrait & headshot photographer residing at Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Having spent more than two decades in IT Management photography is my second, more fulfilling career. I have a passion for art and like to see humanity in images. Therefore I love to show the personality in people with their expression.

Winning photos

Verena im Shooting für Personal Brand Fotos, die sie verkörpern.

106th Collection

Manchmal entstehen die kraftvollsten Dinge, wenn man sie nicht bewusst plant.
Dieses Bild war nie dafür gedacht, einen Award zu gewinnen – und doch wurde es ausgezeichnet.

Aber was wirklich zählt, ist nicht die Auszeichnung selbst, sondern das, was dieses Bild bedeutet: In diesem Shooting: Klarheit.

Die Entschlossenheit, den eigenen Weg zu gehen. Die Stärke, immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen – auch wenn sie unbequem sind.

Es steht für die Eleganz der Selbstsicherheit, die nicht laut schreien muss, um gehört zu werden. Und für den Mut, groß zu denken, auch wenn die Welt lieber hätte, dass wir klein bleiben.

Dieser Moment, dieser Ausdruck – das ist Verena

Und vielleicht erinnert es dich auch daran, wie viel Kraft in dir steckt, wenn du es zulässt.

106th Collection

Nathalie is a life coach in Zürich and helps women to empower their mind and transform their life. The photo is part of her new personal brand portraits and was taken in Zürich/Switzerland.

100th Collection

This is Franca. She is a colleague of mine and we are both in the headshoatcrew. It was fun taking her headshots.

90th Collection

This is Pepijn - a student in the Netherlands. He needed an update of profile pictures to apply for different job activities.

87th Collection

This photo is part of a personal brand session. If you want to smile it has to be a natural personal smile - not a photo smile..... As a photographer it is my ambition to make people confident and to feel good during a photo session. Then I get the perfect natural smile.

86th Collection

After conquering cancer and chemo she needed new updated pictures.

85th Collection

As a coach she helps women to transform their life. The photo is part of her new personal brand portraits and was taken in my photo studio Zürich/Switzerland.

85th Collection

This shot is from a session "try something new" portrait styles. I wanted to show extremes in light and shadow.

84th Collection

This is my headshot style with a small smile and not showing any teeth.

83rd Collection

Always laugh in a photo session - it could be the winning picture :-)

81st Collection

The mother wanted pictures of her children and I got the freedom how to shoot them but one had to be in a suit. This is Paul. We discussed photos in a mood board of man portraits and he choose some he liked. I think he liked that we did not do the usual "smile" photos and he could be just himself.

70th Collection

This photo is part of a new series i shot with my son Tim. I wanted to create some moody black and white shots with day light. While the clouds came I had to add some fill light with LED.

67th Collection

Suel is multi-talented and just produced another song and needed new portraits. The portrait is taken with contingent LED light which I normally use for my headshots. The key light came from camera left 45 degreed above her.

65th Collection

Most clients come to get a strong headshot! As we work on their expression and spent some time together. Then there is always time for a cool portrait!

62nd Collection

Most clients come to get a strong headshot! As we work on their expression and spent some time together...Then there is always time for a cool portrait!

61st Collection

I have a new selection of hand painted canvas backdrops and wanted to test them. This is one of these new portraits styles that I offer my clients.

60th Collection

The photo session was planned as a portrait session for her mum who just turned 93. As the daughter organised the session I also wanted to shoot both together for a life time memory. And this is the result - having fun together in front of my camera.

57th Collection

This shot is from a session creating new black and white portrait styles with stark contrasts. In order to reflect the lockdown context, my husband couldn’t see a hairdresser and had to grow a beard. This is one of my favorite shots of the session.

56th Collection