Sixty-Eighth Collection

The incredible Julia Brychkovska, singer , dance and professional model. What makes this shoot so special, this was our first shoot after being lockdown for this past year...

This was one of the last shots we did during the photoshoot with Rowena. I added some colorgels, wind and smoke and this is the result

Change can always be a challenge. Individually we allow things to affect us in different ways. The realisation of when enough is enough matters, small yet simple steps get us back on track. One day at a time. Make it Happen!
I hope you enjoy this one! Feedback is most welcome.
Model: @peyoteshots
Photographer: Gary McGillivray-Birnie
Bounce light with 2 profoto strobes

The sunset was beautiful and the light was just great. My model Violeta sat on the hood and looked absolutely stunning with the light wind blowing through her hair. I called the picture "sunset on the hood"
I used natural light only.

We took a camel into the cold deserted landscapes of the Saharan Desert in Morocco. The sun was about to set, while we watched people roll around in the sand and some rushing to get to their camps before it got dark. We quickly managed to take a photo with the sunlight wrapping around her face

Iit was the first time we had a shooting together. This amazing young woman is so dedicated and yet remains herself. As a small thank you for this award, I asked the model herself to write something:
~ Don't just exist, live. ~
It was an absolutly greate experience to shoot and try new stuff. I learned a lot and i'm ready for the next cool project we will have in 2022.
Thank you for your trust Manuela

Thanks to the lovely model Jasmin for this incredible piece of art. The art of seduction is to nurture the imagination of the observer

The natural existence of a human being, without distractions. Hard work is behind this body and he can be proud of himself.
Camera: EOS 5D Mark IV
Lens: Canon 24-40mm f2.8
Light: Godox AD600

Autumn-Vibes with sunset at a lost place with the very talented model Desirée.
We shoot for several hours and this picture is a result of the many pictures that were taken.

There is nothing better than true faith. It is the thing that makes people good. It is the thing that helps and guides you in life.

Sexy miniere ll is the project initiated by Sabine Hournier, that of giving a more feminine vision of the hape on the Buldings of Manathan

The door will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock. And if it doesn't open, it's not your door. There was no doubt I opened door for Lily. And apparently it was our door. Thanks for selecting!

I stand before you, naked and concealed. A hard shell of glass surrounds me, a protective wall of translucent safety. Take it from me! My blooms pour from its spout for you, for me. Be gentle with them. Part of me wants me to let go, to shatter the vase and let its water flow. I stand before you holding nothing. Exposed. But I cannot bear to shatter my exquisite vase. And so I set it down gently. Do stand beside it as a friend. To admire me in my utter exposure is to admire my blooms and my vase.

This picture is one of several photos of my model. Thanks very much. I like it very much.
Another job that only uses natural light ...

Lovely Valente with her sweet Welsh pony Sunny. You can see the bond and love they have for each other. A friendship for a lifetime!

"Visions of Sugarplums" Christmas time brings so many rich traditions and holiday spirit. Dreaming of what might be left by Santa, is what's on every child's mind. Model, Emily, 5, U.S.A.

En esta fotografía experimente una técnica utilizada en el 2018 para una fotografía, y en este 2021 me dio el mismo resultado "SIMPLEMENTE UN WOW"

This pictures is part of an series with the theme pastel colors. The make up artist Nina from Ninchensart (instagram) did a great job and a modern make-up look. Thanks to the model agency Golden Model Gate GMG Switzerland for having model Michelle.