Eleventh Collection

This photograph was taken at a local plant nursery with model Mara Anderson and make-up artist Alanna Garcia. In this photo, I wanted Mara to be enveloped by the surroundings so that her beauty and the natural beauty around her would be inseparably intertwined.

Name: The Red Dress
Description: The picture was taken in studio and the main goal was to represent woman sensuality.
Model: Véronique Goudreau

Anywhere you go, desire is desire. The sun cannot bleach it, nor the tide wash it away... – The Beach
Model: Josie Dean of MASALA Model & Talent
MUA: Alina Asachova of Beautify with Alina
Concept/Styling/Photography by Martine Sansoucy
©2017 All Rights Reserved. Martine Sansoucy Photography

Raha, my beautiful subject for this shoot, is an exceptional woman. She is the youngest Arab and the first Saudi woman to conquer Mount Everest. Tall order...How to capture this exception spirit? This was the feeling I went into the shoot with. At the same time, I had do ensure I made her feel comfortable, relaxed. She had to trust me. All that in a matter of a few minutes. But it was her spirit that produced the results. She allowed me and the camera to see her truth. Peaceful and beautiful.

Severine is beautiful and expressive. In this picture, I was trying to show just that: a quiet, concentrated direct look, wonderful eyes and beautiful hair and beautiful light from the side.

Makeup Artist: Tryna Knox
Model: Kuzo Daza
Photo was taken in my studio based in Krugersdorp, using a one light setup technique; I also used v-flats to imitate daylight by bouncing the light around the model.

One in a series of self-portraits, there is an introspection, a self-awareness, a plaintive countenance to this particular still - more so than any other I include within this series - that defines this woman, myself, who I AM with no uncertain clarity: just there...the melancholia. There...sorrow. There, in the shadows...regret. Yet there is also a strength that pulses from within the image - and it is this strength that stands alone.

This was the very first shooting for my model Rosi.
I was really surprised of her moves in front of the camera.
We have taken a lot of exiting pictures, one better than the other.
It was really a impressing shooting.
Thank you Rosi !!
Model: Rosi Sarcevic
IG: @rosi_sar

I shot this portrait at my studio with Katja I as we we're just shooting ideas and trying to get some real feeling to the photo with clothes similar to the 80's style. And as usual, it was almost too easy with Katja I

This is a simple portrait. The model has really magnetic eyes and I wanted to create something intimate, ton convey what I saw in her beautiful eyes. The black and white allowed me to show the contrast and the shapes better. Shooting at 1.4 made it simple to isolate this amazing subject. So intense.

I have participated in ICU project in Copenhagen. Marina was one of the winner-models. We were 8 photographers making pictures of 3 women in different scenes and outfits. It was really interesting experience to challenge with other photographers and saw how different we see the world around us.

I took this photo in a break of a newborn session. This little beauty was so curious about what I was doing.
(My model was originally her baby brother.) I found this flower headband in her staff, put on her and asked to look at the camera.

Photograph of the gymnast and performer Conor Kenny @whereihandstand (instagram) taken in February 2016 at a East London photo-studio

"The modern dreamer" He is cognizant of the fact that he is not where he wants to be, he wants to get there so bad that he is trapped in a day dream.Nothing else keeps him from achieving his dream other than the dream itself.

Model Carrie Kelman. Image captured at the Image Flow Studios, Mill Valley, California. Ms. Kelman is an accomplished gymnast and dancer.

Olivia is my "gift". She is my youngest child, the most affectionate, kind & loving, yet the one who has challenged me the most. She is pure beauty to me...but she cannot see it. In fact, she hates to have her picture taken, so I strive to catch her unaware. Deep in thought, lying on the warm sand. Perfection.

Deserts can make for very dramatic and beautiful landscapes and the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado fits the bill. I wanted to balance the scale of the dunes with a small splash of red. The contrast in size and color of elements makes this one of my favorite shots.

This beautiful young lady came to my studio to get pictures for casting as an actor. She agreed modelling for me and my Mamiya camera. This is one out of many pictures taken that day.