Milena Andree




🇩🇪 Germany

Minimum price/hours

200$ per hour | 1 hour minimum



Selected photos in 2023



Selected photos in 2022

TOP10 photographer in 2023

TOP10 photographer in 2022


Grand Master of Photography

1st place in Germany

With us

4 years

Studio Name

PhotoGravity - Milena A.rt

Award trophies

Milena was born and raised in Berlin and has a happy vintage heart. Her photography moves between the past and fairytale scenes. For her, photography is a way to create a reality filled with peace, beauty, specialness and dreams.

Winning photos

Flower girl.

Photographer: @photogravity_milenaart
Model: @leamartha27

83rd Collection

Goodbye sun.

Photographer: @photogravity_milenaart
Model: @marillamuriel

83rd Collection

"Golden Summer.
The pure inspiration for me - warm colors. They feel beautiful and calm. They soothe and wrap you in warmth."

Model: @kaydakiolani
Photo&Edit: @photogravity_milenaart

75th Collection

"Vintage Lovers - When photographer and model both love vintage clothes and love to create nostalgic imagery...favorite images are created."

Model: @cara.mash
Photo&Edit: @photogravity_milenaart

75th Collection

"She is beautiful and strong. Wild and free.
She is boho and sensual. Independent and unique.
She belongs only to herself!"

Model: @primalavera
Photo&Edit: @photogravity_milenaart

75th Collection