Fourth Collection

I made in my apartment in Florence using natural light from the window and black backgrond. To create the dress I used just a piece of fabric. Simple make up, streight hair... simplicity is the key, always. I wanted to show the strength and fragility at the same time, that's how I see woman's portrait.

"Queen of England and Dutchess of King Arthur's Court"
When I get Rachel and Faith in one of my photo series, I know it's going to be incredible. They are not only extraordinary models, but they also put their all into each shoot whether it's getting hair and makeup professionally done, getting professional costumes made, or simply killing it in front of the lens. They have helped me bring many different characters to life, so much that they jump right off the photo and seem real.

Model: Greta.
Greta is so sweet with her blond hair and so natural. The Light was fantastic and she just looked at the window. And so I decided to use the window in that way in order to give the scene more fashion and magic.

The picture was taken in a theater where my daughter was called for the first time to take part of a professional play. This is not her, but the main actress, who played Ariel, an adaptation of the Little Mermaid. My daughter wants also to be an actress and she did very well being one of Ariel's sisters. Since I was taking many pictures of my daughter, a pink mermaid, I could not resist the beauty of the main actress (who was eventually stopping on poses) and took pics of her. This was one of the pics.

It was the weekend and nobody was in the studio. This lovely lady had agreed to come in for a casual shoot and to be my subject-matter for a little while in order for me to try a variety of special lighting - new things I wanted to create to compliment my style of photography. She was quiet. And she had trust. I’m glad she had trust, because it made her look relaxed. She took directions easily and the result is this. The camera loved her, the new lights loved her, and everyone who saw her image loved her. She looks magnificent!

We had these three bouquets and did not know exactly what to do with them, so we simply draped them around the head of the model. That was not really convincing at first, but when I later looked at the photo, I got the impression of an opulent headdress. I wanted it to be wonderful and bright, as if the model came from another world or planet. Beautiful and detached at the same time.

I am a photographer, artist and adventurer.
I love street photography and portraits. It is my passion to catch the now moment. Happily, the now moment is often followed by the moment of meeting. And in this meeting it all happens.
This is photo of a Chinese woman Fiona Bao. She was a student for a while here in Denmark where I live.
I love to travel. I have just been around the world for eight months and my next trip is to Nepal and India this winter.

"Greek Goddesses in the white dresses"
Carmela, Amelia, and Gracie are by far 3 of the most natural models I've worked with. They are not only gorgeous and shine in photographs, but they also bring a lot of excitement and creativity to the shoot, willing to try new poses and create them with me. They are simply a JOY!

Model's name is Anna . She had been one of my first model. She is only 13th years old but she seems to be born to be a model. She is so natural. This picture was only a consequence of her instinct. She just chose to face the camera in that posture and I had only to focus and capture the instant . And was magic.

For this picture I experimented a lot with the light. At first I wanted the light to be very tight and close around the face, so I put the spot only on her face. But when I saw how beautiful and stunning the red hair looked, I changed that idea. When I look at the final result I’m very glad, I didn’t stick to that initial idea and stayed flexible in the process.

"Little Audrey Hepburn in black tutu dress"
Olivia is one of the most photogenic kid's I have ever worked with. She was born to shine! She is also a singer and actress...and only 7 years old! She has played various characters in shoots with me including a "bird girl" and a little vampire and every pose I get out of her is better than the last one. She's a little risk taker, afraid of nothing when it comes to the camera or the stage!