Shirley Van Lieshout


Van Lieshout


šŸ‡³šŸ‡± Netherlands

With us

3 years

Studio Name

Shirley van Lieshoutfotografie

Winning photos

Haflinger yearlings at the breeding farm in Austria. They are so adorable and curious.

100th Collection

I love it when pets join their family portraits. Of course there is always a moment for playing and action!

100th Collection

There is no such love as mother love.....

99th Collection

Every horse deserves, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl'. Such a beautiful quote and indeed, it is true! Look at this little princess on her pony, aren't they lovely together?

99th Collection

Capturing the love and bond between human and animal is the most lovely thing to do!

98th Collection

This beautiful horse is called Milky Way and is an unique Cremello horse with green glass eyes. A combination that is very rare due to a DNA defect. What an unique opportunity to capture this beautiful animal!

98th Collection

This photo was taken during a jumping competition in the Netherlands. I like the power, strenght, force and action in this photo. Stunning achievement of horse and rider.

98th Collection

This little cute dog of my sister, Saartje. I had the chance to photograph her because my sister wanted a beautiful picture of her on the wall. What a magnificent model isn't she?

97th Collection

The bond between an owner and her horse... so beautiful to see and capture these lovely moments!

97th Collection

Hygiea Star during a photo shoot with her owner a couple of weeks ago. What a beauty she is!

97th Collection

My beautiful daughter Fleur with Friesian mare 'Tjitske'. Don't they look adorable together?

96th Collection

Vivienne in my photo studio. I love the look in her eyes!

96th Collection

My youngest daughter Isabel during a Photo session in my studio.

95th Collection

Gorgeous Spanish horse 'Luna' with her beautiful foal 'Sorpresa de Luna'. And what a surprise she was for her owners! They bought Luna not knowing she was pregnant so they were fully surprised finding out she was expecting!

94th Collection

My beautiful youngest daughter Isabel playing in the snow. Because we don't have often snow in the Netherlands this is just the perfect moment to capture this kind of images.

The pastel colours of her cap and jacket match perfect in the white background.

94th Collection

Pretty Mariel with her sweet horse Catwalk. This horse is going on retirement while Mariel is soon getting her baby. They have such a strong bond together and both going through a life changing stage in life in their own way.

93rd Collection

Gorgeous PRE mare 'Luna' during a photoshoot with my daughters. This picture of Luna alone I took quickly and in the mean time but the light is perfect and so is Luna herself!

92nd Collection

Lovely dog 'Nora' in the perfect Autumn setting in the woods with the sun shining through the leaves, her breath visible because of the cold.

92nd Collection

I took this photo off my oldest daughter with pretty PRE mare Luna a few weeks ago. During my work as a photographer I meet a lot of nice people and customers and they are often willing to give a bit of their time Ɣnd horse to give my daughters a wonderful couple of hours at the stables. I photographed Luna already a couple of times and her owner invited us during the Autumn Holidays to visit them. This very nice morning was full of petting, hugging, brushing, eating cookies and some photographing. My daughters a true horse girls so as I.

91st Collection

This is play- and cheerful Duco! He is helping his owner in her job as a dog coach. Look at those ears!

90th Collection