Twenty-Seventh Collection

I am a dedicated amateur photographer with a very expensive habit. I am originally from Leeds, England and after an interesting life with a number of destinations along the way, I find myself currently based in Atlanta, GA. Currently...
Title: It's only when i lose myself with someone else that i find myself
Model: Gracen Taylor
Camera: Sony A7RII
Lens : Zeiss Batis 85mm
This image has traveled the world. While living in Mexico City in 2017, I spent time going back and fourth to our old home in Atlanta, GA. I managed to set-up some shoots during a trip back to the USA. This image lay dormant for 6 months as we moved from Mexico City to Dubai at the start of the year. Having recently got back on track with my work/life balance, I found time to review and edit some images from my Atlanta shoots, this is one of them. More to come... as time permits :) We are about to head back to Mexico City for the summer, so I am hoping to set-up some more shoots along the way.

Location: Sunstudios, Sydney, Australia. The last shoot of the day, model Cristina Garces posing outdoors, natural light.
This sot was taken at the back of the studio in the small garden area. The off-white background provided the perfect fill lighting in this very natural pose.
Camera: Hasselblad H6D-50c
Lens: HC 100 f/2.2
Settings: ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/650s

This was one of the last pictures I took from beautiful Nikol at the end of a long but super productive shooting day. The sun was about to set behind her so I used a reflector to have a bit more light in her face. That was all it needed :)
Model: Nikol
Picture: SujARTa / Theresa Sujata Senti

Two years ago, I went to Dubai with Calvin Hollywood and his team to attend a workshop. On the way to the desert there was a shoot with Kristof.

Beginning of May I had a day off and wanted to do a streetstyle Shooting in the City of Zürich. Therefore I was looking for a Model in at short notice. I was very lucky that Jennifer send me a message telling me that she would like to do such a Shooting. She is a very nice, young woman and very talented. I am delighted that I had to Chance to shoot with her.
Check out her page:
Photographer: SaCa Art Photography / Sabine Cavegn

Same photo shoot as the one with the yellow dress, but this time we wanted to do something a bit more 'street'.
Model & Muah: Janni Hussi

After days of rain I had luck and met my Model "Chourok" at a beautiful, warm and sunny day in a small City called Zofingen. There we started our street fashion and portrait shooting at about noon.
As usual, we tried a some different dresses and poses. One of many very nice pictures is this. The whole shooting was very amusing. This picture is taken at the perfect moment because my model laughed out loud in a funny situation so I called this picture: "LOL".

The theme for this photo shooting was film noir with stunning swiss mum Sereina. Her daughter was with us in the photo studio and was really upset that the attention was on her mum instead of her.

This picture was taken during a shoot with Lynn and Kathy. We shot in between several sets but it was one of those we liked ths most. The black and white conversion of it looks nice as well.
Model | @lynn_grotesk
Visa | @kathi_zillmann_make_up

This is Augusto, a longtime friend of mine, who has given up much of life's chores to follow a dream.
Then nothing was fairer than photographing him at this new moment of his life, something that really changed his trajectory.

This picture was taken 2017 during a Shooting break and was a snapshot.
Photographer: @roland_marti_photography
Model: @ve_antonie

This shot is all natural light by the window. You can see my silhouette in his eyes.
Shot with Canon 6D and 50 mm f1.8 at f2.8, 1/40s, ISO 100.
Instagram @kuvamiehet

This picture was taken early in the morning with a soft light, this light highlights the clear complexion and the hair of my model. This photo I made in Brittany on the bridge of the city of Malestroit.
Model: Cloé @_cloe_m

An unusually warm day in May offered a south European setting in Helsinki.
Natural light and my go-to model, Janni Hussi.
Shot with Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 50mm.

It was a beautiful, very warm and sunny day when we start the workshop with Joakim Karlsson hosted by Marco Gressler.
At the end of the day we had some time to shoot with our model "Seraphina Jones". Well knowing that everyone would take similar photos, I had to try taking a different picture. So I looked for a bit different angle of view and tried to clearly offset myself with the post-processing. I called the picture "Enjoy the Sun" because it was still very hot and sunny in the early evening.
In the post-processing, I have completely dipped the background in a dark blue and still let the model shine from the sunlight. So, I hope you like the picture as much as I do.