Seventeenth Collection

Much of my inspiration for wanting to combine painting and photography comes from studying Pictorialist photographs from the late 19th/early 20th century.
I realized that photography allowed a different kind of control. With a painting, the primary effort went into rendering the final composition. In this project i tried to change my technique of the arts of photography , thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an change in our very notion of art.I searched another way an afterthought where the mix of painting and photography vision serves me as ‘study’, and certainly imply that the painting and photography as having common goals.
For the shots in this serie, I used the following lenses: Schneider-Kreuznach 80mm LS
Camera : Phase One P40+

This picture we toke on Mallorca only with natural light..., the freckles are just amazing, isn't it;)?!? When you have the change to shoot with Lara, don't miss it;)

This image of Mona gets its effect through her direct gaze. The beautiful red hair and a subtle and natural background turn it into a very nice portrait.

The shoot took place in my studio I was using v-flats to obtain soft natural light.
Editing was done in Lightroom and Photoshop.
The theme of the shoot was bodyscapes

I always take my portraits with less depth sharpness.
With this attitude I take off my models of the background distinctly
and so I receive a imaginatively picture.
Thank you Jennifer
You are great!
model: @jenniferkorodi

A beautiful woman, a camera and a window with drapes - often one doesn't really need more than that.
P: (FB+IG)
M: @doomed_puppet (IG)
MUA: @MakeupbyBeverlyGressler (FB)

The dashing hung dude, he is a hard working person and i really appreciate it. randomly we clicked it. & i am very glad to click this random picture.

It was another hot summer afternoon in Mallorca, and we were looking for a nice place in the shade where we could take pictures without melting within a couple of minutes. Luckily, we had this wild looking landscape with dry grass and some trees just behind the finca. So we went there to take some almost-Africa-Safari-looking pictures.
Photographer: SujARTa / Theresa Sujata Senti
Model: Lara Vogel
MuA: Beverly Gressler

This photo was taken spontaneously on a summer evening in the city of Bern. It was a hedge with lots of pink flowers immediately my model sat in the hedge and we did this dreamy photo.

This is Lherry. I made this picture under a tree in Zurich. I love to shoot in available light because the mood stays. It was the first time for her to stay in front of the camera and she did fantastically well. Amazing!
It was again f/2.0, just my favourite setting for portrait shoots.

Photographer: Grace Almera photography
Model (me): Kimie frederiksen (facebook Kimie F - model)

Introducing @krinastyla
It was a pleasure to made some photo shoots with this awesome girl !
Photo made in Malmö Sweden

Fashion Shooting with Jeici it was a sunny Saturday and we had a funny day with her man and my girl friend .

Portrait in black and white of Rachael, model from USA, done on the beach of Donostia San Sebastian ( basque country, Spain ) during the summer 2017.
Camera : Nikon D810.
Website :

It's always a pleasure to work with Laura. She is not only beautiful but also 150% professional and nice to work with. Pictures with her always look beautiful. In this case, the special light and the "blue" mood of the city and the wonderful hair of Laura. That's enough for a great picture.

Model: Lisa
Photoshoot took place in my studio and background was painted.
Editing was done in Photoshop and Lightroom
I use frequency seperation technique on the skin

"Gone Flowers"
A nude picture taken in my studio with Lada.
P: (FB+IG)
M: @ladabrik (IG)

This is Brenda. It was a beautiful sunny day in Zurich, perfect conditions for such a portrait shoot.
thanks to f/2.0 the bokeh is just fantastic. Really love the whole composition of this picture.