Patricia De Raaf


De Raaf


🇳🇱 Netherlands

Also serving:

Hardenberg (Netherlands)


Senior Member

6 awards left until the Grand Member

13th place in Netherlands

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Moment photography by shelby

Haii there,
My name is Patricia and I live in the Netherlands. My passion for photography started with our German Shepherd Dog named Shelby.
After this I started taking various courses and workshops and photographing pregnancies, horses, families and children, but my greatest passion still remains dog photography.

Winning photos

Op een mistige dag mocht ik dit prachtige duo vast leggen.

106th Collection

blowing clouds with his breath, I love it.

105th Collection

This beauty in de church ⛪️🇳🇱

105th Collection

Just love your horse.

104th Collection

Look at this beauty in the woods.

104th Collection

2 beauty’s whit the new NBrands collection.

103rd Collection

Dream big, beauty

103rd Collection

Took this picture on a beautiful summer evening.

102nd Collection

Love the autumn mornings.

102nd Collection

-. A pony is a childhood dream. A horse is an adulthood treasure .-

102nd Collection

the love between a horse and his owner.

101st Collection

Lovely Miss Rona, she is so beautiful, and she was so good during the photo shoot.

100th Collection

Dear Willem, look at him looking handsome during his photo session.
He enjoyed his photo shoot and was a true mode.

100th Collection

I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful lady during her maternity shoot, I love the neutral colors.

99th Collection

This is my own beautiful dog Shelby, she is already 8 years old and her love for photography started.

99th Collection

Pretty Esmee with her pony among the beautiful flowers, how beautiful they are.

98th Collection

Love the woods.

98th Collection

Love the soft light in this photo.

97th Collection

Love the summer evenings, this beatyful horse and owner are so sweet together

97th Collection