Esperanza Van Den Ham


Van Den Ham


🇳🇱 Netherlands



Selected photos in 2024



Selected photos in 2023

TOP10 photographer in 2024

TOP10 photographer in 2023

With us

2 years

Studio Name

I am shooting portraits

From a young age, creativity was already a part of my life. I always had the dream of doing something with drawing and later took courses and worked at advertising agencies. This ultimately led to the founding of Moments. During my travels, I was always searching for beautiful moments to capture with my camera.

One day I bought a good photo camera to make product photos, but I also decided to take pictures of my daughters. I discovered my love for portraits and practiced a lot. When I posted my photos on Instagram, I quickly received requests for portrait photos. And so began my adventure as I am shooting portraits and I enjoy every day of my work!

I have specialized in creating unique and warm portrait photos. I consider each photo as a work of art in itself and give you a unique view of yourself or your children through my lens. My photos are characterized by the dark background and eyes that really stand out from the photo.

I spend a lot of time editing your photos and ensure that you feel comfortable during the shoot so that we can create the most beautiful photos together.

Winning photos

A portrait of a dutch girl named Sharyn with two eyes colors! I was inspired by photos with blanket and i knew she was the perfect model for this! She was on a party and i asked here if she want to sit down for me as model! Thanks Sharyn you supported me to created this awesome stunning picture.

70th Collection

Maike, this girl came to me for the second time to create a portraits and hare face is amazing. The strong lines of her face, the freckles and strong look! Happy she came to my studio!

70th Collection