Danique Van Der Toorren


Van Der Toorren


🇳🇱 Netherlands



Selected photos in 2024

TOP10 photographer in 2024

With us

2 years

Studio Name

Danique vd Toorren Photography

Award trophies

Winning photos

This is bobbi, a beautiful girl with brown eyes.
I love her brown hair with beautiful curls.

Model: Bobbi
Photo & Lightroom edit: @daniquevdtphotography

74th Collection

Laura a beautiful woman, she has a beautiful smile.
I also like to photograph older models

Model: Laura
Photo & Lightroom edit: @daniquevdtphotography

74th Collection

I'm so proud of my little daughter.
She is the perfect model for me that i use by testing different styles and shots.
This portrait of Ravenna is created in my studio.

Model: Ravenna
Photographer & Lightroom edit: @Daniquevdtphotography

73rd Collection

This beautiful portrait of Gynaira is created with naturel light.
The wind through her beautiful brown curls.
The twinkle in her beautiful big brown eyes, I love it !

Model: Gynaira
Photographer & Lightroom edit: @daniquevdtphotography

72nd Collection

Nikki is one of my favorite models that I enjoy working with.
She likes to be a model.
Her eyes and her own beautiful look, pure and unique

Model: Nikki
Photographer & Lightroom edit : @daniquevdtphotography

72nd Collection

Lois her eyes !! Amazing.
She is a beautiful girl, with blond hair and curls.

Model: Lois
Photographer & Lightroom edit @daniquevdtphography

72nd Collection

“Sometimes one picture is worth A thousand words and i think making these memories for later is very important.
With these kind of portraits you can tell the story of someone’s life.
The purity, strength and the emotion, especially with the elderly, make these kinds of pictures unique”

Model: My grandpa in memorie
Photo & Lightroom edit: @daniquevdtphotography

71st Collection