Olga Nikishova



Los Angeles, California

🇺🇸 The United States

Also serving:

Moscow (Russia)



Selected photos in 2020

TOP3 photographer in 2020


Grand Member

25 awards left until the Master of Photography

2nd place in The United States

32nd place in Russia

With us

5 years

Studio Name


Award trophies

Olga Nikishova - Photographer Graduate of the British Higher School of Art & Design

Winner of international photo awards:
International Photo Awards, 2018,
35AWARDS 2018, IPA 2016 (USA) Professional People / Portret,
AdMe Photo Awards 2016, BICFP 2015 (Best International Child & Family Photographers),
Nominee National Award Photographer of the Year 2014

Participation in exhibitions: Special project of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Young Art.
Museum of Moscow "Center Gilyarovskogo"
The exhibition "Bond" 20-27 June 2018

Special project of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Young Art.
Gallery of Modern Art
Winery, "That is about the future" 8 June-7 July 2018

Installation “Peresvet-off-he / under-light”,
Moscow, Peresvetov Lane Gallery February 2017